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New to AISD

New to Amarillo ISD?

If you are new to AISD, this page will help you with the basics to get started in the right direction. If you have more questions, the best course of action is to first identify which AISD school is your student’s home campus...then, contact that school’s office to seek more assistance with your questions or needs. Not sure which school is your student’s home campus? We’ll help with that in Step 1 below.

You can come back here, and bounce between steps in no particular order, but please know that the most important step is to identify your student’s home campus before you access the new student registration form. From there, it’s as easy as 1-2-3: 1) Access the new student registration form, 2) Select the correct home campus from the dropdown list, and 3) Complete and submit the form. When in doubt, contact your student’s home campus for help! Now let’s get started.

Welcome to AISD!

Where You Live + AISD Attendance Zones = Your Student’s Home Campus
Before you head off to the New Student Registration Form, you need to know which campus is your student’s home campus. Your student’s home campus is determined by two things: 1) Where you reside with the student being registered, and 2) Which specific “AISD attendance area” surrounds your residence—The red-colored line is the boundary zone that determines which specific school is your student’s home campus. More on that in a bit!

Are You Registering a Pre-K Student?
Another consideration is if you are registering a student into one of AISD’s Pre-K programs. So before you even begin the new student registration form, it’s important to determine which school is your Pre-K student’s home campus and to also use our online clickthrough guide to see if your student qualifies for AISD Pre-K. First, let’s see which campus is your student’s home campus. Then, go to the section on this page titled “Are You Registering a Pre-K Student?”

New to AISD – All Grade Levels – Find Your Student’s Home Campus
Go to Step 1 to identify your student’s home campus.

  • Follow these instructions, or view the video example located below the instructions:

    1.) Go to, and on main menu hover your mouse over “Schools” and then select “Locator Map”

    2.) On the Locator Map page (Opens in new window), use the locator map link to enter your residential address, which then displays the elementary, middle school and high school “home campuses” within your boundary zone.

    3.) When you access the new student registration form, the first question asks you to select your student’s campus. Select the correct home campus for your student on the new student registration form. Complete and submit the new student registration form: See the section on this page titled “New Student Registration Form.” A staff member with that school will call you and/or email you, using the phone number(s) email address you included in your registration form, if items are needed to complete registration or to confirm registration and inform you of the next steps in the process.

    4.) If you live outside of our District’s boundary zones and wish to submit a new student registration form, please contact Tracey Morman at 806-326-1315

  • If you are registering a Pre-K student, please follow these instructions:

    1.) In Step 1 (above) you will have identified your Pre-K student’s home campus. It is important to know your student’s home campus before proceeding to the step of accessing the new student registration form.

    2.) Visit AISD’s Early Childhood Education Department (Opens in new window) and then select “Pre-K Information” from the sidebar menu. Read the information on that page, and select the clickthrough guide link on that page.

    3.) The clickthrough guide helps you understand your options for Pre-K enrollment.

    • If the clickthrough guide is difficult for you to navigate on your own, or if you have questions about the qualifications guidelines listed on those pages, please use the Locator Map as described in the Step 1 section and then contact the school for assistance.
    • If you do not hear back from a school within two business days, please contact one of three specific individuals in our District office—These three individuals are listed on the clickthrough guide pages, but we ask that you first attempt to contact an AISD elementary school office and allow at least two business days before contacting our District staff members.
    • Please understand that our District office and our campus offices will be experiencing high phone call and email volumes in the early days of registration and enrollment. 

    4.) It is best for you to be certain of a) Your ability to qualify for AISD Pre-K and b) Your student’s Pre-K home campus BEFORE you submit a new student registration form.

    • We prefer to talk one-on-one with you instead of a Pre-K parent submitting a Pre-K new student registration form to the wrong campus or in a situation where you have submitted a registration form when you do not qualify for Pre-K.
    • When you submit a new student registration form, a campus staff member will be contacting you to confirm/verify the many items of qualification information you provided in the new student registration form.

    5.) After a) Identifying your Pre-K student’s home campus, and after b) Confirming via the clickthrough guide that you meet AISD’s Pre-K qualification guidelines (remember to call your home campus if you have questions or need help), proceed to the section on this page titled “New Student Registration Form” to access the link to the new student registration form.

  • If you have reviewed Step 1 and also Step 2 if necessary (above) and are ready to access the New Student Registration Form, please read the information below before proceeding to the link.

    What Is a “Control Number?”
    When you submit the form, you will be emailed a “Control Number” which is a unique and specific registration form number for the student.

    If you cannot locate the email that contains your Control Number, please contact the school campus you submitted your form to.

    • If you need to make changes after submitting a form, whether those changes are being made on your own and/or if you are contacted by a campus staff member to ask you to make changes, you will return to the new student registration form link below and enter into the “Control Number” field—located on the right side of the first screen—the Control Number that will open up for you the form you had previously submitted.
    • If you do not see an email with the Control Number, please check ALL of your email account’s spam folders, junk folders, promotional folders, etc., as it’s possible that your email account has filtered our email to you into a space in your account other than your inbox. Be sure to then add that email’s sender address to your email account’s whitelist so that those emails show up in your inbox.
    • Do not submit a new form when you wish to edit or add new information to a form. You will continue to use the same Control Number every time you want to make changes to the form.

     New Student Registration Form for the 2024-25 School Year


    If you have questions, please contact your student’s home campus. The Step 1 section (above) will help you to identify which campus is your student’s home campus. Our Profile of Each School page (Opens in new window) lists each campus with contact information and attendance zone maps.

  • Meal Application – Parents may need to apply for free and/or reduced eligibility online at (Opens in new window). Completing this application may qualify your student for additional discounts other than meals.

    You can also go to (Opens in new window) for options to do the following:

    • Sign into your account
    • Create a new account
    • View menus (as a guest)
    • Contact the AISD Food Services team
  • Upon enrollment in AISD, a Skyward Family Access account is created.

    You will need to obtain login credentials from your student’s campus office. Login credentials are managed ONLY by the campus office and not by any staff member at the District office.

    You can keep up with grades, progress report information and discipline reports. You can see your student’s class schedule, contact your student’s school counselor and contact your student’s teachers. Make changes to your student’s information, such as making a change to emergency contact information. 

    Learn more about Skyward Family Access (Opens in new window). Be sure to contact your student’s campus office if you have questions or need help with access to Skyward Family Access for your student.

    Each campus website has a Skyward link on the main navigation menu. Our District website has a Skyward Family Access icon link at the bottom of the home page. And, you can go straight to the web page by using the URL


  • All AISD Parents Have a ParentSquare Account
    All AISD parents have a ParentSquare account already created for them by AISD using a daily sync between ParentSquare and Skyward, which is AISD’s Student Information System—This is how the ParentSquare platform is able to contact you.

    Check Your Email and Phone Notifications
    You should receive notification once your ParentSquare has been generated. Activate/register your account to be able to use the full features of ParentSquare. You can learn more on our ParentSquare web page. You can type the URL into your browser by using to go to the web page directly, as well.

    ParentSquare: It’s How We Communicate
    ParentSquare is the primary tool for District and school communication. Individuals who do not activate their account in ParentSquare will still receive an email digest at the end of each day that communication is sent out to them. In the event of emergencies, phone calls will be sent as well.

    Activate/Register Your ParentSquare Account
    Activate/Register your ParentSquare account to be able to use the full array of tools, such as DIRECT MESSAGING between you and your student’s teacher(s)…and many more helpful tools!

    You can learn more on our ParentSquare web page. You can type the URL into your browser by using to go to the web page directly, as well.

    Parent Square logo

  • School Supplies.

    Start and End times for each school.

    PeachJar e-flyers.

    And a whole lot more!

    All of the remaining important information about getting back to school is on our Back to School Information page (Opens in new window).

    • Be sure to follow your school’s Facebook account for news and events going on at your student’s school! Your school’s campus website has a Google Calendar and Facebook feed embedded on the home page. Also on the home page, you can see your school’s PeachJar e-flyers and an AISD “All District” playlist of videos that feature newly added videos all school year long!
    • Please follow AISD on social media, as well, to stay updated on important news and events—AISD’s Facebook and Twitter accounts are embedded on the home page of the District website and you can follow those accounts right from the home page of our District website.
  • This is called a “Short Form” for moving from one AISD home campus to another AISD home campus.

    Complete the Short Form (Opens in new window).

  • New students must be registered with a home campus.

    Upon enrollment to the home campus, a parent can submit a transfer request form. We encourage parents to contact the school the student is interested in transferring to, and speak with campus personnel to ask about the process and learn more about the school.

    Be advised that transfer requests are subject to a list of priorities in determining which requests are approved and which are declined. Many factors are involved in that determination. If your transfer request is approved, your student’s information will be sent to the school your student is transferring to. If your transfer request is denied, there is an appeals process.

    For more information on transfer requests, please view our Transfer Information page (Opens in new window).

  • If you and your student live further than two (2) miles from your home school, your student qualifies for bus transportation to and from school.

    For more information, see our School Transportation page (Opens in new window). If your child receives transportation as a related service through special education, you do not need to contact Apple Bus.